Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

New Logo

Some of you may have noticed that the landing page for has changed. This should not affect your use of the site, it is just a new look. You can still set a cookie so you will go straight to your favourate site by clicking the cookie box at the bottom of the page. has always been a progressive company moving with the times. This year we are proud to announce a new company Logo that will appear on all of the companies’ websites located across the globe in 11 different countries. The logo will be shown in many forms over the network, integrating with each countries website and company styles, so instantly helping people recognise the country they are connected to while also showing that we are all part of the big family.

This new logo shows the progressive nature of an expanding company. The unicycle image in the logo is outside in a natural setting to show that unicycling is a sport for everyone at any age level. The mountains show that riding a unicycle can be done any where; whether it is on the street, on the mountain trails and in a gymnasium. The road shows the unicycle moving forward to go out and have some fun! This logo provides greater versatility for advertising and produces a clearer image in the portrayal of what the sport of unicycling has progressed to for the company as a whole.